Fear happens to all of us. The question is simple. Will you defeat fear or will you let fear defeat you? This is the question I pose to my two youngest daughters every time they face fear, especially in gymnastics.
As mentioned in Our Story, my daughter Corinthia battled a serious fear of tumbling for about two years as a level 7 gymnast. Stemming out of nowhere, she suddenly went from floor being her most anticipated event, to being the most dreaded. Still to this day, the particular source of her fear remains unknown as nothing traumatic happened during her gymnastics career that could have possibly triggered such a reaction. But the fact that IS known is that that fear is of the enemy. Fear does not come from God, for He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
You see, God never said that fear won't come. But He does inform us that this spirit does not come from Him. God doesn't want us to fear. He tells us in Isaiah 41:10 CEB, Don't fear, because I am with you; don't be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand.
It is extremely imperative that we "fear not". It's so important that it is the most repeated command in the bible, reportedly 365 times! I'd say that's pretty important. Wouldn't you?
So how do you defeat fear? One word...faith! How do you get faith? Great question! Faith comes from hearing, and hearing [comes] through the word of Christ (Romans 10:17 ESV). To build your faith, I highly encourage you to read and meditate God's word. As you continually do this, your faith will increase more and more and it will empower you to defeat fear, EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Stay tuned for future posts where I share more details about my daughter's fear of tumbling. It is my hope and pray that her testimony will bless you and help all of you overcome your battles with fear.
If you have any personal stories about fear that you want to share or need help with, tell us about it. As a part of our Glorified Gymnast mission, we want to help all of you eradicate fear once and for all! Be blessed 😇.