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"I used to be so afraid of big skills on beam. A year ago, I worried about doing a connected handstand back handspring. When my mom would mention doing a back tuck on beam, I would respond with,! I'm not doing that!


I spent the last year, really trying to grow closer in my relationship with God. I have learned that I can do anything if I just trust Him. I am currently on Level 8 and so excited for the future! Instead of being afraid of beam, I now absolutely love it! Even after missing my feet on one of my back tucks and hurting myself, I chose to get back up and do it again! And I made it!


I know that with God, I can do anything!! I am so confident in my abilities that I consistently make my standing back tucks!! I just told my mom the other day that I am NOT afraid of beam anymore, I truly LOVE it!!! Just remember, we are all capable of so many things if we just have faith! If you are ever questioning anything, please reach out to me! I would love to talk to you about Jesus!"



— Skylar, Gymnast

"It’s the start of a new season. New level, new skills, new challenges. With that sometimes comes new fears, new anxiety about obstacles, potential injuries and of course not being able to accomplish what you set out to.


I, however, know that if I put my faith in Him who made me, it is He that will give me the strength, the courage to go after new levels, new skills, new challenges and overcome fears and anxieties. The same is true in life everyday not just in the gym! So like HE said...”FEAR NOT!”

— Isabella Gymnast

Name, Title

"If you truly know Kenzie Anne, you know how much of an impact fear has had on her time with gym. They say gymnastics is 90% mental and Kenz has had her fair share. Through it all, she has never given up and finds strength in her faith to overcome! So when Kenzie was offered the opportunity to become a part of a brand whose mission is centered on empowering gymnasts with faith and boldness to eradicate fear, we just knew we couldn't pass it up.


Glorified Gymnast is so much more than just an apparel company. Their passion aims to create an environment of positivity, encouragement, confidence and faith to realize that although fear may be strong, its NEVER stronger than YOU!"

— Kenzie Gymnast

"Before practice we usually have a jam session and a talk about being confident and having faith, and not being fearful or scared during practice. Especially being at a new gym with talented, skilled "big" girls. Addy tends to get a little shy.


We talk about having the confidence and courage to perform skills and make new friends! These past two practices she has been able to go straight to practice and introduce herself without Mommy being with her. Most of all she is more confident and is learning and fine tuning her skills. Faith over fear!"

— Addy Gymnast

"This girl has really been struggling with some mental blocks on some backwards skills. This includes her BWO on the beam (which she has been doing for quite awhile) flyaways, and a sudden fear of back tucks on the floor.


Her coach has been amazing, and really started putting the power in her hands and giving her the power to choose. The simple act of her coach empowering her, encouraging her, reminding her she can, but making it HER choice to do those skills? She has been pulling those out at almost every practice, but of course forgets to ask for videos."

— Gracie Gymnast

"I love Glorified Gymnast because they inspire gymnasts to do gymnastics for God, and it reminds me to always ask God for help with my goals for He is where my help comes from. Often I find that I need little reminders to not let fear win! God is bigger and this brand helps me keep focused on that huge reality."

— Sophi, Gymnast

"In times like this, we need more faith and positivity spread. Some profiles only show the "perfect" gymnast. There is no such thing and it can be very discouraging for some kids. Fear and mental blocks are normal, but rarely get talked about. But with support and faith you can overcome anything! Your brand is so much more than a leo.


It's a leo company yes, but it is so much bigger than just a leotard. Giving the girls encouragement and faith is definitely  what sets you apart. That is why we reached out from the beginning because we love what it is about!"

— DJ, Swimnast

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