Growing up as a youth in a Christian home, I thought Christianity was scary! I can recall countless sermons in my childhood church that constantly reminded the congreg

ation of their sins and stressed the need to get saved in order to avoid hell and be welcomed into heaven. The church only preached about the law, the old covenant. And my husband's experience growing up was no different. It wasn't until our mid-30's we finally learned that God had established a new covenant, grace. You see, God loved us so much that He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, and whosoever believes in Him will be saved and have eternal life. God sent Jesus to save us because of his Agape love for us. He wants us to establish a relationship with Him because he cares for us.
Ever since my husband and I learned about God's grace, our lives have never been the same. We have countless testimonies of how God's grace has and continues to produce extraordinary things in our lives. I encourage you to establish a relationship with God. It all starts by getting saved.
If you are someone who wants to receive salvation, I encourage you to read this Prayer of Salvation so you can begin to build your relationship with God. Be blessed 😇.